World Of Warcraft

It's been named the 'grandfather of MMORPGs', and in many ways, this is true. Though many online RPGs came before it, WoW completely revolutionized the industry. Part of this was due to its huge user base of 12 million subscribers, but it's also present in the amazing world Blizzard has created. Building on the existing Warcraft franchise, Azeroth is a high-fantasy world with incredible detail and lore to back it up. There are mages, druids, rogues, paladins, and warriors. Elves, humans, dwarves, orcs, trolls, and other, entirely original species. Complete with cutscenes, immersive questlines, and an ever-evolving plot, there's enough content for anybody who loves fantasy. It's strength though, is not just in world, but in gameplay. It's easy to start, but difficult to master. There's hundreds of skills, quests, and items. It has a thriving economy, an interactive community, and plenty of content to keep you going after you reach the level cap. The recent release of the Legion expansion only adds to that, bringing a fun new demon hunter quest and hundreds more hours of content. Thirteen years after its release, it's hard to find a better MMO.

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