The Dark Elf Trilogy

A disclaimer: If you're not a Dungeons and Dragons aficionado and have read extensively within the genre, you might be tempted to avoid The Dark Elf Trilogy. This is because it seems like a very simplified, conventional fantasy. Don't!Why it's on this listBecause the main protagonist – Drizzt Do'Urden – is a fantastic character. He's a legend in the D&D mythos. He's the kind of character that reminds you that the basic requirement for a hero is that he/she be intrinsically good – even in the face of overwhelming evil.The culture of the world in this series is fascinating because – from the beginning – it's clear that it's an evil place. Hatred, anger and resentment are the main emotions ruling Drizzt's world. It's a challenging premise: Can you imagine a world where everything and everyone is bad? Difficult to picture? Now, imagine writing a character strong enough to break the chains of this society to become something unheard of in that world – something good. Intrigued? Good. Because it's admirable both in terms of concept and content.It's true that everyone loves an underdog. And Drizzt is an underdog in the truest sense of the word. Being along for his journey from downtrodden to hero is endlessly compelling. You can't help but love this character.The reasons this book is on this list is because it's easy to read, easy to get lost in and easy to enjoy. For those looking to read fantasy but not sure where to start, it's a great starting point.

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