Riddle Of Stars

A great series in the same style as Lord of the Rings and the Wizard of Earthsea. It's the story of the Riddle-Master of Hed, Morgan, who has an unknown destiny. You see, he himself is a riddle, a man born with three mysterious stars on his head. And to solve the greatest riddle of all -- himself -- he will change the world forever.The book is one of the great modern fantasy trilogies. My recommendation is that you only read it when you don't have to work the next day -- it's very hard to put this series down once you start, so be prepared for a LONG reading session. 

Similar Recommendations

Classic, beautifully written heroic fantasy is the theme of these recommendations.

Lord of the Rings

J.R.R.Tolkien's A Lord of the Rings. What more to say here. Nothing.

The Earthsea Cycle

I also recommend Ursula le Guin's classic The Earthsea trilogy, which features the same lyrical writing style as McKillip, and the hauntingly beautiful tale of a young boy's journey from boy to wizard. 

The Swan's War

You might also try Sean Russell's The Swan's War trilogy which features lyrical prose, a pervading sense of pathos and a world full of opportunity, were magic is as mysterious as it is dangerous.

Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn

Beautiful writing. Check. Heroic fantasy? Check. Slow, pedantic writing that details every inch of the world. Check. 

The Kingkiller Chronicles

Starts with The Name of the Wind. Lyrical, beautifully written and character driven, this high fantasy tale is one of the best in the genre. It's not so much a story about good and evil but rather the story of a hero as he remembers himself to be, true or not.

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