Clarke, Susanna Biography

Susanna Clarke is a British author best known for her debut novel "Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell." The novel, published in 2004, is set in an alternate version of 19th-century England where magic is real and follows the story of two magicians who attempt to restore magic to the country."Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell" received critical acclaim upon its release and won several awards, including the Hugo Award, the World Fantasy Award, and the Mythopoeic Award. The novel has been described as a work of historical fiction, fantasy, and satire, and is known for its rich language and extensive footnotes.After the success of her debut novel, Clarke suffered from health problems and took a break from writing for several years. She eventually returned to writing and published a collection of short stories, "The Ladies of Grace Adieu and Other Stories," in 2006. She is currently working on a new novel, "Piranesi," which was released in 2020 to critical acclaim. Clarke's writing is known for its lush and detailed descriptions, intricate world-building, and skillful blend of genres.

Books by Clarke, Susanna

  • 2005: Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell: Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell is an epic tale of the rebirth of magic in nineteenth-century England. Taking place among the regular historical occurrences of the time, the main difference...
  • Jonathan Strange And Mr. Norrell: This highly regarded novel is something magical: the story of two magician friends -- both who want to restart English magic after a magic-less dormancy of several hundred years --...