Hines, Jim C. Biography

Jim C. Hines is an American author known for his works in the science fiction and fantasy genres. He was born in Michigan in 1974.Hines' most notable works include the "Magic Ex Libris" series, which follows the story of a man named Isaac who can pull objects and creatures from books and uses his powers to fight supernatural threats, and the "Goblin" series, which is a humorous fantasy series about a goblin named Jig and his adventures with a group of adventurers.Hines' writing is known for its humor, strong characters, and exploration of themes such as identity, power, and discrimination. He has been nominated for several awards for his writing, including the Hugo Award in 2013 for "Redshirts."In addition to his writing, Hines is also an advocate for mental health awareness and has spoken openly about his own struggles with depression and anxiety. He continues to write and publish new novels and stories, and his works are enjoyed by fans of science fiction and fantasy around the world.

Books by Hines, Jim C.

  • Libriomancer: Many feel a sense of wonder when they’re absorbed in a novel, but in Libromancerthis feelingtakes on a physical form. Mages are able to reach into works of fiction and...
  • Codex Born:
  • Unbound:
  • Revisionary:
  • Libromancer: How to describe this one? It's kind of like Brandon Sanderson and Jim Butcher got it on in a library and this was their literary love child. There is really...
  • Unbound:
  • Revisionary: