The Iron Castle

This enjoyable novel is a sequel to The Incomplete Enchanter and continues the adventures of Harold Shea, a 20th century American who finds himself in a world of wizards, dragons, and other fantasy elements. In The Castle of Iron, Harold ends up in a world of Knights and Saracens, doing his best to rescue his forgetful wife, Belphebe. Why it's on the list If you are a big fan of the Planet of the Apes, you will be eager to discover this rare treasure. It is unusual to find a book that values cooperation over conflict - a Planet of the Apes where the apes get along with the people. Highly recommended for fans of Sprague de Camp and Pratt – or for anyone else who appreciates tales of varied magic's, risky ventures, and a touch of romance. Funny and inventive, Sprague de Camp and Pratt were providing this genre with laughs long before the Harry Potter books. Read if you like Magic. Adventure. Fun.

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Best Early Modern Fantasy Books (1930's to 1950's)

After the development of Fantasy in the early part of the 20th century, it truly seemed like the genre was moving towards a golden age. Then the real world became... Read more
